Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear Americans, drinking alcohol does not make you cool

There seems to be a common misconception among American men (or boys, rather) that consuming alcohol in large amounts somehow makes them “the man.” I’m not sure how it is that they came to this conclusion, but I think it’s time they are set straight. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I think drinking makes a person un-cool in any way; I just don’t think it’s something that you need to be rewarded attention for. It is a well-known stereotype that Irish people are known for their drinking. And, I must say, many of the Irish hold up to that stereotype. It is clear that they like to drink. In the five weeks I have been in Ireland I have met many, many drunken Irish men. However, these men drink because they like to, and they don’t put it on display as if they are a more awesome human being for having chugged that beer. Americans, on the other hand, apparently need to use the act of consuming alcohol in large amounts to compensate for the fact that maybe they just aren’t really all that cool. I don’t care how many shots you took, what time you got home, how many stairs you fell down or how many times you threw up. This information is not valuable to me and it does not make you a cooler human being. In fact, it kind of makes you, in the words of the wonderful Irish, a wanker. The Americans have made a hobby out of finding new ways to consume large amounts of alcohol as quickly as possible. We have beer pong, flip cup, quarters and an endless list of card games. In addition to that, Americans basically find a way to turn any non-alcohol-related activity into a “let’s see who can drink the most” event. It’s unnecessary and it doesn’t make you cool. Just sit back, relax and have a beer.


  1. Or maybe americans just like to have more good craics than the irish do. You have to admit some of the best times of your life have come when you have drank large amounts. It is not always a race or competition with all americans for the games. just another way to increase the fun

  2. Oh how true how true. Being a fellow American ;) of course, I've witnessed this time and time again. I feel that a lot of Irish men reach a certain point of intoxication where they don't seem to give a (pardon my Irish) a shyte about who or what is around them. Nor do they care if you are an attractive female trying to get a drink bought for you (not that I am one of those) Although I find that one difference is that American men actually WANT to buy ladies drinks. I think travellers settle for the accent here instead ;)
